It was a very Jersey Christmas...but in the most classiest way possible! We drove up the viaduct to Union City to spend the evening at the Wassner-Smith abode, which was festooned with live swags of garland and packed with piles of new toys including a play kitchen stocked with food. Leave it to Speed to whip up a gourmet Christmas dinner including a goose (yes, he roasted it himself), cauliflour au gratin, roasted veggies, and a pork loin. Might I add that he's been working long hours and enduring a long commute to and from the city every day...but that's just Speed for you.
The boys played their hearts out while we ate, relaxed and exchanged gifts. Though it was an intimate affair and we missed our usual extended family, it really was all about the kids this year. The fact that they were together and able to enjoy their new loot while staying comfortable in their own homes made them so happy...and made the day even more priceless.