We're Taking The Leap!

October 29, 2005
Sarah and Mark are both 26 and graduates of Mount Saint Mary's College, where they met way back in 1997. They currently live in New York City, where Mark is a CPA for BDO Seidman, specalizing in the non-profit sector and Sarah is the assistant communications manager at New York Road Runners and a freelance writer. They're having fun exploring the city, cruising around by bike, and moving their car every other night (yes, it is possible to find parking in NYC!).
Seeing that the Mount is literally a place where everyone knows your name, it didn't take long before Mark and Sarah laid eyes on one another in 1997. Perhaps it was when Sarah--a member of the cross country team--ran loops around Mark and his lacrosse teammates on the field, or maybe it was in the cafeteria line. Friends at first, Mark asked Sarah out on a hot date in August, 1998 to see 'Studio 54.' Good thing the date wasn't as bad as that movie!
After their first Christmas apart in seven years, Sarah and Mark were excitedly looking forward to reuniting in New York City for New Years. And what a reunion it was! After spending December 30th strolling around the city--a jam-packed day that included breakfast in Hoboken, a drive around Brooklyn Heights, a movie in Soho, dinner in the Village, another movie in Chelsea, and drinks back in the Village--Sarah and Mark were heading in for the night when Mark suggested they head towards the Hudson River. Tired and cold, Sarah shunned the suggestion, claiming that at the late hour of 1 a.m., they'd 'probably get mugged down there.' (Editor's Note: since the area by the river is monitored 24-7 by park police, there was little chance any potential muggers would be there). Unusually persistent, Mark convinced Sarah to go down to the river, where they settled on a bench by the water under a moonlit sky. A casual chat about their future soon transitioned into a serious conversation about their love for one another. Then, in an instant, Mark reached into his jacket pocket to reveal a black velvet box, dropped down on one knee before a shocked Sarah and asked her to marry him. After a few rounds of 'Are you kiddings? Are you kiddings?' from Sarah, she finally said yes as Mark slipped the sparkling emerald-cut diamond solitaire ring on her finger.
Looking a little tired right after the proposal (it was about 2 a.m., after all!)
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