
The pictures just keep coming

Below is a quick glimpse of our professional photos, all taken by the incredibly talented Steve Ridzon. I can't wait to see the rest of his shots. These, so far, are amazing! Enjoy!

In other news, we had an impromptu Sister's Summit tonight at Bec's in which we enjoyed her delicious mac and cheese. I must report that Bec's mac and cheese is about 200% better than the concoction I whipped up for Mark last week. Let's just say I need a little, well, a lot more practice in the kitchen. But at least I'm trying!

We're watching Tivo'd LOST right now, so I'm a bit distracted. Also, I'm extremely excited babout the fact that in less than 72 hours, Mark and I will be in Oahu, where LOST is filmed! This is going to sound very corny, but it's truly a dream come true for me to finally visit Hawaii and I can't wait!

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