As you can tell from the pictures posted below, I spent the weekend with my brand-new "first cousins-once-removed" (let's just call them my nieces), Sophia and Lucia. Stella and Joe were visiting as well, so Sissy and Erik had a crowded house. The lengthy journey (six flights!) was completely worth it--I'd fly cross country any day to see these beauties! Here they are in their "bopsie" pillows, which they seem to love...where can I find one of those for myself? :-)
One last thing: on my last leg home (redeye from LAX-JFK), I thought I might see one recognizeable/famous face. Little did I know I'd be boarding a star-studded flight! On board were none other than Reese Witherspoon (tiny, casually dressed, looked much younger than she is), Sarah Silverman (just as crazy/funny in person as she is on TV), Lily Tomlin (I was dying to tell her how much I loved "The Incredibly Shrinking Woman), Julia DiPandi (E! Talking Head and Botox Queen), and another actor who was familiar looking but I couldn't place his name
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