Despite chilly temps and overcast skies, we ventured out to

Chester, NJ, to visit Alstede Farm today with our friends Amber & Aiden, Crystal & Owen, plus Leezie, Speed, Jack and Sam. About an hour away from Boken, this is a lush and vast area of Jerz, dotted with well-manicured horse farms and well-appointed homes. Alstede features apple picking, but we apparently missed the boat on that one as they'd been all plucked (a little disheartening, as it was the main purpose of our trip). But pumpkins were in, and they had plenty of animals for the little ones to look at. So we wound up staying for a good two hours, finding the perfect pumpkins (kind of hard to do, since many weren't quite ready yet), feeding the goats and running around.
Of all of the fun they had to offer, Eamon seemed most interested in the metal carts they had for hauling produce back to the cashier. He and Sam pushed the cart (with the help of Speed) for a good quarter-mile--or more. Tough work! He also stole a pepper picked by Amber (she hoped to use it for fajitas) and proceeded to bite into it like an apple. His face was pretty priceless every time he chomped down on it!
More pics below. Happy fall!
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