
Fun, fun

Mark and I drove west to Seven Springs, PA, over the weekend to celebrate the one-and-only Ashley's 30th birthday. To say we had a good time would be a gross understatement--there is never a dull moment when Ashley's around! It was great to catch up with a lot of her family and friends who we hadn't seen since her and Joe's wedding four years ago--a lot has changed since then (um, Ashley has three kids!), but it really felt just like old times again.

Seven Springs was beautiful--last week's no'easter brought a stunning blend of autumn and winter to the resort: Bright, brilliant leaves of red, yellow and tans blanketed with a soft layer of pure, white snow (we saw about 3-4 inches fall overnight). I'd never seen anything like it and wished I took more pictures. Clearly, I was too busy snapping shots on the dancefloor at the Matterhorn Lounge, where we spent most of Saturday night with some of Western PA's finest (lots of Steelers fans and, uh, interesting hair and fashion choices!). Check out this album for lots of pics from the night...
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