Early last Thursday morning--after a five-hour drive from Jersey to Virginia the night before--we rose and drove to Centreville for what's becoming an annual kickoff for Thanksgiving: The Virginia Run Turkey Trot 5K. This is the third year in the row we've participated in the run, which maintains its neighborhoody, low-key feel despite a huge turnout (more than 3,000 runners finished the rolling course).
Aside from a thick fog, the conditions were ideal for a fast run. I had hoped to crack the 20:00 barrier, but after battling the crowds at the start and mistakenly assuming there'd be clocks at each mile to guage my pace (there weren't, and I don't wear a watch), I lost some time out there. I still felt GREAT, ran 20:11 and placed sixth among all women. I think I should've won my age group, too, though they announced I was second. Anyway, I haven't run below 20:30 since high school (my time at this race in 2007 was 20:31), so it seems like my marathon training is working!
But the best part was being out there with all of the Flynns minus Maureen (she graciously stayed home to watch E), plus the Gaffneys (Michael and Patrick ran, Kathleen walked), Elaine and the McGarrs (Kristen ran, Chuck served as our support crew). Everyone ran SO well and had fun. That's the most important part, right?!