
Playing in Prospect Park

Not only is Eamon a Super Fan, but he's also a Super Trooper when it comes to sitting in his stroller. Since he was just two weeks old, I've been hauling him around in our trusty BOB for run after run after run. And now that I'm in marathon training mode, he has been my running buddy for some extra-long jaunts, including a 1 hour, 40-minute trek around Central Park last Sunday and an hour this morning in Prospect Park. I've learned that as long as there are some interesting things to look at (people, dogs, ducks, trees) and plenty of snacks and drinks, he'll remain content. Oh, but I can't stop: As soon as I put the breaks on, he wants OUT.

So, after covering just under seven miles this morning, I let him go crazy in this cute little playground just off Ocean Ave. It had some funky fixtures and a nice, soft floor so he was as happy as can be. Good thing I had my camera on me to capture some of his smiles!

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