
Springing into Spring (and the Supermoon!)

Last week, we got a peek at spring...two days in the 60s and one reaching 74! We maximized our time outdoors and Eamon and Nora (and me, too!) loved every second. While I've enjoyed the winter for the most part, I will not miss the bitter cold (and all of the coughing, sneezing, and snot that seems to go hand-in-hand with the season). Although the temps dropped this week and winter stuck its tongue out at us with two morning snowfalls, those lovely warm days made me even more excited for the next two seasons.

Here are some shots from our time out in the park...Nora's first little ride in the swing and the amazing Supermoon that hung over the Manhattan skyline as though it was painted there.
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1 comment:

Margie said...

Great pictures of the "supermoon" and you all enjoying the great weather! Miss you all! Love & hugs to all, Grandma Margie