As I wrote about in my CosmoGIRL! Blog entry the other day, I've finally accepted that fall has arrived. This means that it was time to do the dreaded closet swap in which I unearth the various body bags from beneath the bed, remove the wintah clothes I not-so-carefully packed into them the season before, and replace the lovely, light-weight, brightly colored summer garments that I've been holding on to for a few weeks too long. (Hey--it was warm enough to wear a sundress just last week!) This process usually takes about six hours, and yesterday's attempt was par for the course. I spent the entire day washing, folding, hanging, sighing (deeply), grunting, and wishing for just an inch more storage space, of which we have oh, none of! (It didn't make things better when Mark and I checked out the apartment for sale across the hall, which had a walk-in closet! What I would do for one for those!)
After the seemingly endless process, I was so darn proud of myself, I took a picture of my auxilliary closet. I forgot to take a before shot, but I can guaruntee that it wasn't this neat! My folding skills picked up from Lady's Foot Locker back in the day sure come in handy!
1 comment:
Very organized--i think i recognize some of your pieces!
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