Karl and I just returned from another great weekend at home. We took off on Friday night and sailed down the Jersey Turnpike without hitting any traffic. And despite the ridiculously cold weather (and snow!), we had a lovely time--hitting up the mecca of all discount warehouses,
C-Mart, where I tried on some hideous but uber-trendy high-waisted jeans that somehow made it to Landover from Intermix (marked down to $200 from $350. Not much of a dil). They scream fashion victim, and Karl had a good laugh at me in the dressing room (I didn't get them to say the least). We then hit up Sh&*!ty Place for a little more ghettofab shopping and then I went out to meet Corinne and Lonnie. We had a great dinner at Thaiphoon in Dupont, then ran across the street to Bistro Du Coin for a bit. It was so nice to see them!
Easter was spent at the Farm where we had a delicious brunch with Uncle Joe, Stella, and the newly-engaged Kasia and Andres! We got to see her gorgeous ring and here all about their new condo. Stella, my mom, and Karl had made some delicious food--ham, turkey, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, "My Mutha's", scalloped potatoes, etc.-- and Stella had everything prepared perfectly for Easter! I have some video I'll post later featuring that. Sadly, we missed Aleta, Ella, and Philip, who had to stay in York due to a sick Ella. Poor thing! But I was able to talk to her a bit on the phone--she is so grown up!
We made it back up to NYC in about five hours, after hitting some major traffic in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country area. Ugh. That and my worsening cold made the trip a little frustrating, but Karl definitely helped make it more bearable. A very nice weekend in all!