
Count Downs

I guess since I'm so focused on counting weeks and months lately, I'm always plugging random dates into timeanddate.com, which has fun features like Duration Between Two Dates and What Date Is It in X Days? Here's a breakdown of the amount of months, weeks, days, minutes, and even seconds between today and some of the major/fun events on the horizon:

Erin's Graduation from Penn State:
3 days
72 hours
4320 minutes
259,200 seconds

Our "Babymoon" to Florida (and visit with Jeanie and Uncle Phil!):
1 week
7 days
168 hours
10,080 minutes
604,800 seconds

Andres & Kasia's wedding:
2 months, 4 days
9 weeks
65 days
1560 hours
93,600 minutes
5,616,000 seconds

Baby Flynn's expected arrrival!:
3 months, 2 days
13 weeks (rounded down)
94 days
2256 hours
135,360 minutes
8,121,600 seconds

Bec and John's wedding:
4 months, 27 days
21 weeks
150 days
3600 hours
216,000 minutes
12,960,000 seconds

Pat and Mary's wedding:
22 weeks
5 months, 4 days
157 days
3768 hours
226,080 minutes
13,564,800 seconds

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