With Christmas just around the corner, my holiday spirit is kicking into high gear. Usually, I'm a bit sluggish with the whole present buying-decorating-feeling festive thing, but this year I'm trying not to wait until the last minute. It definitely helps to have Eamon around; even though he has no clue why I'm forcing a Santa hat on his head or sitting him in a strange old man's lap, he's giving me that extra motivation to start the celebration!
All of this festivity has not come without some exasperation on my part, however. I tend to get distracted when I'm running around with Eamon and have managed to do some pretty stupid things lately...some may call it a case of "Mommy Brain." In the past week, I've locked us out of the apartment (with a screaming, hungry Eamon, no less) and lost (then found, miraculously) prints of E's professional pictures I had to spend a good five hours at the lovely Paramus Park mall in order to receive. By some stroke(s) of dumb luck, all turned out fine--thanks to Mark's cat-burgling skills (ask him about them next time you see him) and an unknown good Samaritan at the mall (who turned in my photos after finding them, gulp, in the mall's parking lot. They'd been run over, but were completely salvageable!).
I guess all of the stress and stupidity is just part of the package during the holidays. But then I take one look at this adorable pic of E and Santa, and dealing with the crazies at a Jersey mall seems totally worth it. (BTW, the real pics I lost--then found--will be making their way to a Christmas card near you soon).
hahaha that is a great picture!!!
...and I am still in awe of Mark the amazing cat burgler!
so cute!
cool blog
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