
Farewell to Summer

Sad, but true, Summer of 2009 is officially over. We were able to indulge in a few extra weeks of 80-degree days before fall finally pushed the thermometer down into more seasonal temps. So, no more seersucker (see Eamon's one last stint in the fabric--if it looks familiar, that's because Philip III wore this shirt in Andy and Julie's wedding!), no more outdoor pool, no more beach, no more mandals. Aleast until 2010, when Eamon will probably be far too dignified to wear mandals (though you've gotta admit, they are very cute shoes!).

In an effort to stretch our summer, we've been spending most of September outside as much as possible, visiting friends, playing in the parks, and enjoying long walks before bedtime. We also had a great week in Maryland where we had two lovely days in Sandy Point and Annapolis and Rockville with my mom and dad, respectively. That was after Mark and I competed in the Nation's Tri, the pinacle to our summer of training 20 hours a week in the pool, on the bike and on the roads. Oh wait, we should've trained that much. But life got in the way and we basically winged it with little preparation and didn't do so bad after all. I am definitely determined to put more effort into whatever race I do next, because I feel like any outcome will be so much more satisfying knowing I really put the hard work in.

Anyway, 2/3 of us here are battling colds, with Eamon getting the worst of it, so we took it easy this weekend. It's so hard to see the little guy suffer, but the doctor reassured us that he's perfectly fine--aside from the fact that, and I quote, "he has the strength of an ox."

Hmmm. Is it too early to call the NFL?
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