
Home for the holidays

Another weekend, another trip down the Turnpike (I think I've written that in a previous post, I'm starting to sound like a broken record!). But, as in all our trips "down south", it was well-worth the time in the car and away from home. This past weekend was spent seeing friends and fam and enjoying the holiday season. On Saturday, E had fun spending some extra hours with his Grandpa and Grandma Flynn as Mark and I enjoyed our "adult" time with our friends (I went to a bachelorette party; Mark hung out with Chuck).

On Sunday, I visited with the O'Connells and enjoyed their amazing spread and beautiful home all decorated just so--then just chatted away with Sissy as the kiddies played...and played...and played. Sophie and Lucy are adorable and had Eamon in stitches--so fun to see them interact. And to think that soon there will be yet another little Kenny to join in on all the fun! S & L will be great older sisters.

I stuck around for another day to spend time with Daddy, who is "all alone by the telly-phone" as my mom is playing Super Nanny in Germany. He's doing great and spoiled E and I rotten, as usual. See below for more on that.

We'll be back down in the old 'hood next week for Christmas...we just can't stay away!!
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