Today at 2:30 p.m., EST, my very dear cousin Crissy is marrying Erik Kenny on the island of St. Lucia. Undoubtedly, they'll have a beautiful ceremony and I wish I could be there to see her walk down the sandy aisle in her gorgeous dress. Pictures will have to suffice until February 18, when we party-it-up in DC for their big reception! Just checked the weather in St. Lucia, and it looks pretty good, aside from some wind and chance of a shower. I hope everything goes well for them and that they're having a great time in paradise...
In other news from a colder part of the planet, we had a really fun time last night with the Flynns. We didn't end up in Chumleys (waaay too packed), but discovered a great little place around the corner (that happens to be owned by the Chumleys people) called Blue Mill Tavern. Entering the restaurant was like being tossed into the past--there was an art-deco feel with a huge wooden bar, and the dining room was encased in mirrors, and life-size murals depicting scenes out of the 1940s. The food was great, and as a bonus, Bill Pullman was sitting right next to us! So he's not Lindsay Lohan, ScarJo, or Brad Pitt, but it was a celeb siting through and through. Too bad I couldn't remember his name when I saw him--kinda defeats the excitement of a run-in when you have to announce, "hey look, it's that guy!".
Afterwards, Bec and John had us over for the most delicious apple and cranberry and walnut crisp (a la mode). A perfect way to cap the night!
Today is the last day here for our designer, Carl, so we're having a sushi lunch in his honor. This means I'm going to have to cancel my eyebrow appointment at Sephora, but I'd take free lunch over unkempt eyebrows any day!