
Only in New York!

Overheard on the A train this evening, one of those "Only in New York" moments.

Man next to me (let's call him "Blay") to woman on other side of me (let's call her "Baby Mama") with pretty baby in tow: "Your baby is be-u-tee-ful."

Baby Mama: "Huh?"

Blay: "Your baby. She's beautiful.

Baby Mama: "Uh, thanks."

Blay: "You breast feedin'?"

Baby Mama: "What? Nah."

Blay: "Oh, cuz my sistah, yeah, she's got like three kids...and she breast feeds. And they got that allovah glow like your baby. That's cuz she breastfeeds."

Can we say TMI? Only in New York, kids...


BecW said...

at least that conversation has a "warm fuzzy" quality to it, unlike the "eww, i think i better get in a different subway car" feeling of some overheard conversations!

cristinaanderik said...

oohhhh! I want the twins to have that "all ovah glow"!!! hehehhehe
Interesting conversation...

Sarah said...

Yes, exactly. It was a very funny and candid conversation (hard to emulate the yo-new york accents in writing) that I happened to be directly in the middle of. I mean, I know discussing and practicing breast feeding is totally commonplace these days, but that's the first time I've ever heard a man--regardless of his sexual orientation, he was still a man!--outright ask a mama about it! And the baby mama was just like, whateva...Funny stuff.