All of those hours spent watching America's Next Top Model paid off this morning at our big photo shoot at Chelsea Piers! Okay, okay, maybe Tyra's not going to tell me I'm still in the running to be ANTM, and "noted" fashion photographer Nigel Barker won't be snapping away anytime soon, but I did work my my unphotogenic-self for the camera! This is all part of a story for Metro Sports Magazine (given out fa free in most gyms in the tri-state area) which is featuring l in its July issue local triathletes of varying levels, including pros (Bec), elite age-groupers (Karl), and slow pokes (me).
I stole this picture from Karl because I didn't take my camera out of my backpack this morning. Oops. We'll just have to see what kind of shots the photog got this morning as we were running, stretching, swimming,
and spinning! Karl was definitely the star of the show and looked every bit the elite with her fancy Full Throttle "kit" and her icy game face!
A funny note: At one point, the photographer asked the group--about 10 of us in all-- to dive in the pool from where we were lined up on the deck. When he said "go", everyone dove in--except for Karl and I! Without discussing it, we both made the decision to skip the dive--and the potential wallop in the face or other possible impact. Looks like all of mother's warnings about not doing anything that would break our neck are drilled into us...good.
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