
Today I ventured back to my favorite workspot of all: Mojo. I just love everything about that place. The funky girl behind the waitress, the perfectly-sized tree trunk tables, the Jack Johnson piped through the iPod stereo. It's just got such a vibrant, hip, coffee-shop-in-the-Village vibe. It's definitely worth the bus ride in from the 'Boke.

I worked for a bit, did a phoner, and packed things up when M and Sam arrived for a visit. We chatted for a bit while Sam entertained himself by staring at the light fixtures and making his favorite blubbering-lip noise. As usual, his cuteness attracted attention from strangers, which he soaked up like a pro.

We went back to Leezie's place and proceeded to order southeast Asian food (thanks, M!) for din. Mark joined us and we had fun watching Sam eat his carrots and apple sauce, then playing with him before L got home from work. I can't tell you how nice it is to just be able to pop over there whenever I want and see my mom...I'm going to miss her when she goes back next week!

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