

This morning, Eamon and I went to see "The Secret Life of Bees" with our friends Jaimie and Sadie and Amber and Aiden. The movie theatre in Edgewater opens up at 10 a.m. each Thursday for "Baby Pictures"--they make the theatre friendly for little ones by leaving the lights dimmed and turning the volume down--and you don't have to feel that bad when your baby screeches at the top of his lungs! Each week is a different movie and it's almost always some sort of chick flick (go figure). Anyway, TSLOB was pretty good. I couldn't get over how grown up Dakota Fanning is. She seems to be going through a bit of an awkward stage, but then again her character was a bit of a ragga-muffin, so it wasn't a true depiction of her current appearance. I thought she did well, as did Alicia Keyes and Queen Latifah. Jennifer Hudson, on the other hand, just demonstrated once more why she should stick to singing. Oscar or not, she just can't act!

though they didn't focus too much on the bees themselves, they did offer some snippets about making honey and other bee-raising fun facts. Did you know that when bees eat elderberries they make purple honey? Bec--will we be seeing any purple honey out of Rose Lane?

1 comment:

Laurel said...

i really want to see that movie. the book was so good.