
One day they'll be the best of buds...

I've been hoping to get a cute picture of Eamon and Sam together. So after Karl and I took the two of them to music class yesterday, we had a little downtime at our apartment and I quickly sat S and E on the chair together and...well, let's just say Sam was NOT happy. He clearly did not like this shrimp tugging on his jacket and getting all up in his personal space. Didn't help that Eamon was beyond tired and kept falling onto Sam...oh well. I know they'll be BFF soon, but right now there's just no love!
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Anonymous said...

I love the stink eye!!! I'm sure they will be bff's in due time, but this is precious.

eileen said...

This picture is hilarious! Sam is so expressive.

Danielle said...

Too Cute!