The weather of late could not be more perfect--zero humidity, warm (but not hot) temps, blue skies and sunshine--so I've been trying to take advantage by heading out as much as possible with Eamon. Today, we had a great time with our friends Owen and Crystal: A trip to Central Park for a picnic in Sheep's Meadow followed by a long stroll (with ice cream!), plus a first taste of Tim Horton
Followed that up with a trip to the playground once back in Boken, which gave the little guys a chance to burn through some excess energy after sitting in strollers for most of the day--now that he's walking, Eamon's not a fan of such confinement.
The two boys have been friends since they were around 6 weeks old and are so cute together as "big" boys of (almost) 11 months. How sweet is that pic of the two of them?
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