

NEW YORK, NY—In a tragic turn of events, yet another Tiger Barb fish residing at 165 Christopher Street has died. This is the second time death has struck the tank in as many days.

The fish’s 27-year-old female caretaker discovered the remains at approximately 6:15 a.m. this morning. She claims nothing appeared in disarray in the tank and that the fish was happy and lively before she went to bed last night. Unlike yesterday’s discovery, this fish was not found near the filter but floating along the right wall of the tank he had called home for just one week.

The co-caretaker of the fish, a 27-year-old male who sometimes operates under the alias of FlynnDigi, has been traveling for the past six days and has had no contact with his pets in that time. Sources close to the fish believe that the heartbreak of being apart from Mr. FlynnDigi may have caused the two lonely tiny Barbs to go belly up.

The Barb's five tankmates will remain at the Christopher Street apartment as the investigation continues.

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