

Here's my recap for the past few days: I spent the entire weekend hammering out two 1200-word profiles on two local runners (who will be named Runners of the Year tomorrow night at Club Night aka Runners’ Prom) which actually turned out to be decent: got a thumb’s up from my editor who requested just a few small revisions—a big relief since I automatically expect the worse when turning in anything I write. I also spent about five hours digging up weird but true facts about carrots, cookies, and other miscellany for my revisions on the “What Your Favorite Snack Says About You” piece I wrote for KIDS. I might wind up posting that piece because it’s pretty fun, although—if I dare say—completely made up. But don’t tell the kiddies that.

Training update: I’ve logged about 14 miles on the CP track since Monday, including a 8x400 workout on Monday, a 3-mile fartlek—3 sets of 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds hard with jog recovery in between—(with Mark!) on Tuesday, and 6 miles this morning. Will probably swim later on this week, but I’m actually enjoying the running thing lately.

Sister update: Bec is in Qatar, Karl might move to Hoboken, Leezie has officially grown into maternity wear and is coming back to NYC soon (Speed is already back!). Only 3 more months ‘til the arrival of Speed Junior!

Misc. Sad news: Mark is leaving me—for three weeks! On Sunday he jets off to New Orleans for 2 weeks and then afterwards he’ll be in Boston for another. We're going to get some pet fish to keep me company while he's away. Happy news: Corinne and Lonnie will be here this weekend. And the Oscars are on Sunday!

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