
Cookie Time!

We had such a great time at Chez Bernardis on Saturday for our now-annual cookie making party! By the time Karl, Leezie, Sam, and I arrived around 1 (I'd spent a freezing morning in Central Park for a race), a few dozen were already on cooling racks, and more were baking in the oven! We unloaded our goods and proceeded to make at least 6 more kinds of cookies--everything from nutella-filled sandwich cookies to mint chocolate wafers. I chose the latter out of Everyday Foods, plus another Martha creation: coconut sandwich cookies with vanilla cream filling. Bec's gingerbread people were adorable, Karl's choco-chip crisps perfectly stackable, and Leezie's snickerdoodle's buttery and delicious. Even Mother's Russian Tea Snow Flakes (or whatever we're calling them) were okay--despite the thought that the butter may have been, er, turned, I tried one tonight and it wasn't half bad!

The puppy/baby theme from Thanksgiving continued as Bruno and Sam provided lots of entertainment by ways of adorable faces and overall cuteness. It was nice to see Daniel and Mario too--we missed Anna, though! Maybe next year!?

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1 comment:

BecW said...

For Bubba's sake, I'd like to point out that although this is a beautiful little tree, it is not her official christmas tree!