
Just call me Santa...

...because I was ho ho ho'ing my way around Manhattan yesterday, picking up gifts for all of the good girls and boys in my life! But instead of a sleigh of reindeer to carry me around, I simply had my feet, barely supported by the 3" heels on my boots. After each store, I got more and more weighed down, and then the rain started to fall and I was just waiting for the overstuffed bags to split open with all of the gifts crashing to the dirty street.

Fortunately, the bags held up and I made it back home in one piece, albeit a bit stiff and sore from the heavy lifting. And I'm proud to say that my Christmas shopping is DONE!

I think that's a record for me!

Tonight, we're heading over to The Garden for a Duke/Pittsburgh game. Erin F. is on her way up on the bus, and she'll be going to the game then coming over as our first official house guest! I'm glad someone will be able to see our tree before it disintergrates (it's a bit dry...guess that's what you get with a Home Depot bargain!).

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