
Thought I'd share something that's been weighing rather heavily on my mind and heart this week: A friend's baby was shaken by his daycare provider last Monday. Noah is five months old and is currently in the ICU--he has a subdural hematoma, retinal damage, and was experiencing continuous seizures. He was in a medically-induced coma but the latest report says that he's doing better--they were hoping that the seizures would stop after he was brought out of the coma, and it sounds like they have.

Erin, Noah's mom, has been providing updates on Facebook, and she's also going to be blogging about her baby's recovery. I've been so amazed by her composure and strength. She is so full of hope and doesn't seem to be dwelling on the tragic and horrific nature of the situation. I don't even know how I'd be able to string two sentences if that were to happen to Eamon, but I guess in even the darkest of times you have to rise above and look towards the light.

Please keep little Noah, as well as Erin and her husband, Mike in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Maren said...

This is so awful. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you shared--I will definitely be keeping them all in my prayers.