
A New Year

Last night, revelry abounded in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where Mark, Maureen, Erin, Mike, and myself partook in celebrations hosted by my former co-worker, Carl. We made the trek into our neighboring borough in two taxis, driven by cabbies were none to pleased to be taking us outside of Manhattan. ("Why you wanna go there?") But we had very good reason to do so, as Carl delivered on his promise of a keg of Brooklyn Lager--fueling an excellent dance party.

Our guests departed earlier this afternoon, and I headed over to the East Village to meet Corinne and some other friends (Danny, Ange, Jo, Keith, Adam Heiden) who had all been staying with Dan and Ange in Queens. Corinne and I made loose plans to see Match Point, but our idea proved to be a rather popular one and the theater was packed. So instead, we all went to an Irish pub to catch up and watch the Redskins game on a jumbo flat-screen. Or shall I say they watched...I really couldn't get into it, but I'm happy that they won nevertheless.

Some pictures of the day and last night are posted.

Happy 2006!

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