My sightings for the day:

10:45 a.m.: Seth Meyers, better known as the John Kerry impersonator on Saturday Night Live, crossing Hudson Street. Dressed in sweats, coffee in hand, and practicing his lines for tonight's show. (Not really--but it would have been fantastic if he was!)
3:45 p.m.: The Mobil Station in Chelsea was the site for a Spike Lee Joint when Mr. Lee himself was fueling up his black BMW station wagon. (Who would have guessed Spike Lee drove a station w

3:55 p.m.: Funny man Mario Cantone nearly walked into me as I side-stepped what appeared to be a low-budget photo shoot (maybe for a shoes?) on Washington Street. Couldn't tell if he was taking part in the shoot or just gawking at the mannequin trapped underneath a truck (part of the shoot) like the rest of us.

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