It’s been quite an eventful day here for me, starting at the bright and early hour of 5 a.m., at which point I sprung from bed as though it was noon. (I actually initially woke up at 3, but forced myself back to sleep for a couple more hours…argh—Jet lag!). After struggling to stay awake until 9 p.m. last night (I dragged myself across the street to a outdoor bar called Fisherman’s Wharf—a local hotspot—where there was a live band playing none other than Pearl Jam covers!), I got a whopping 8 hours of sleep, so I felt great. Now—not so much, but I’m pressing on for at least 3 more hours, as I have a date with Abby Breslin tonight at Hard Rock Café (with her mom, an East Villager, and her agent).
But back to this morning—I had about 4 hours to kill before meeting the movie’s publicist, so I called Mark and talked to him as he lounged by the lake. Didn’t catch my ‘rents, but figured they were having a great time at the farm (it was about 3:30 p.m. on Sunday there, after all).
After that, I went on a run in the opposite direction from yesterday’s, and landed at Surfer’s Paradise, which indeed is an ideal spot. When I got back to the hotel, I had a nice little breakfast of kiwi and coffee on the little patio adjacent to my room, then got dressed and ready to go to the set.
The film is not being shot on location yet (that comes next week at Hichinbrook Island), but at a Warner Brothers lot about 10 minutes away. (They’re also filming an Ethan Hawke movie there as well). They’ve constructed an elaborate tree-house like set with actual vegetation, dirt floor, etc. It’s amazingly real. They were doing a lot of scenes with just AB (and, at times, a sea lion named Friday and a bearded dragon named Fred), so I got to watch that, then I had interviews with the stunt coordinator, producer, costume designer, and lunch with the directors. Very cool people.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel, I’m begrudging the fact that there is no free wireless to be found ANYwhere. However, I’m loving that Fox Sports here has the World Track Champs on heavy rotation—right now, the women’s high jump is on and it’s seriously like a runway show: All of those girls are tall, toned, and absolutely gorgeous! I watched the men’s 5000m last night, and was so happy to see Bernard Lagat win his second gold. The Aussie’s on the other hand, were distraught that their own Craig Mottram finished a very disappointing 14th.
Oh, and it’s HUGE news that Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams split. Although I could have told you that a while back—did she ever look happy?
More tomorrow!
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