
Monday, Monday

It's a gloomy, chilly morning here in Hoboken, making me wistful for the warm, California sun. I'm hoping spring hits us soon as I'm really itching to spend more time outside (without the heavy coat, scarf, and hat!).

The weekend was, for the most part, a working one as I was sidled with a whopping 15 columns to write for sheknows.com. That's what happens when you squeeze half a month's worth of daily columns into one weekend. Lesson learned. Tomorrow, I start fresh and vow to write one item a day throughout April and all ensuing months. It's the only way to maintain my sanity! On the plus side, a couple of my pieces are now being prominently featured on the sheknows.com home page, so that makes all of the stress and late nights worth it.

Otherwise, we just hung around home, grabbing our almost-weekly Saturday brunch at Turning Point (joined by Patty and Rick) and catching up on NetFlicks (Gone Baby Gone and We Own the Night). I ran with Urban Run yesterday, then met Keren at the gym, then lunch at Chelsea Market. It was so great to see her and hear all about her training for the NYC Tri. (she's doing Team in Training). I wish I could be training alongside with her...next year!

A column calls, so I better get on that. Hoping to finally see Leezie and Bec (and Sam and Speed and Ula if she's around!) today, too.

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