
On the Run Again...

This afternoon, Eamon and I joined Karl and Bec at the picturesque Weehawken track (I know, the words picturesque and Weehawken are rarely used together, but check out the view!). This is a brand new track/field about 1.5 miles away from our place and is easily one of the nicest facilities around. While the twin turbos churned out hardcore intervals, I jogged along the perimeter at a pedestrian pace with E snuggled up in the BOB . It was my fourth run this week, and each time gets a little better. I still don't feel like my old self (for starters, there are a few more jiggly parts to contend with now!), but it is very refreshing to be out there again--albeit super slow.

I haven't been able to see K or B compete this season, so I really enjoyed seeing them run around together...they are both in amazing shape and somehow are able to smile through really intense workouts. I was completely inspired and can't wait 'til I'm able to keep up with them again (for at least the first few seconds of their runs...)!

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