
Running Again

Though I was complaining about feeling extra-tired after Tuesday night's run, by the end of the day yesterday I was back to my normal self. So I decided to join Keren at Saturday's Circle of Friends Mini 10K in Central Park. (Don't worry, I'm not planning on running all 6.2 miles. It'll be more of a run/walk to the finish line). This is a great all-women's race that I've done before and really enjoyed; plus, Deena K. is headlining the pro-field, so it'll be cool to be among the throngs of runners streaming in to the finish area well after she and the rest of the elites do.

It's Keren's first race in the park and her first glimpse of competition before she and Mark brave the chilly waters in Staten Island for their 6/28 sprint tri (a precursor to the NYC race, which, unfortunately we'll both be missing this year for obvious reasons...Baby F & A & K's wedding!). While I definitely have the itch to compete these days, I'm very happy to support my friends and fam in their own endeavors. Next year I'll be back at it!

1 comment:

Keren said...

You inspire me to do all this crazy running- it will be awesome to run with you-- though if Preggers Sarah finishes before me....