The oft-ignored, but much-beloved home of my random thoughts and observations of beyond Washington Street.
Odd Blog
Feel free to check it out--I'll probably be updating it more than I blog on this page, just because it's actually part of my (many) jobs.
BTW, I am thinking about writing about a girl taking on a bunch of odd jobs (fiction, of course...that would make it much more interesting!). And sometimes, a great story starts with an even greater title. So, if any of you out there has an idea for a book title (something along the lines of Odd Job Girl, but edgier), throw 'em my way!
Celebrating Two Years of Bliss!

October 29--Hands down, the best day of the year. Above Christmas, my birthday, and even Thanksgiving. This is the day that Mark and I were married on a brilliantly sunny afternoon at Mount Saint Mary's, in front of all of our favorite people. It was truly the most amazing day of my life, and, now two years later, I am still pinching myself as a reminder that it really happened. I couldn't have dreamed up a better husband than Mark, or a better life than what the two of us have built together. And it makes me even happier to know that our adventure is only chapter: Hoboken!
Super 7
This morning as I got ready to head out, I turned on the Today show for a quick weather check. Ann was in the courtyard interviewing the USA Women’s Gymastics Team—fresh off their World Championship gold medal performance last month in Germany. I quickly watched the segment, and headed out to Soho, where I had to pick some stuff up at the adidas store.
When I walked in, I wasn’t surprised to see the store completely packed—it is Soho afterall. But then I started to feel like I was in Munchkinland. All of the girls shopping aside me were well under 5’2”, and on top of that, they had these absurdly muscular arms, broad shoulders, and tiny waists, hands, feet, etc. One of the girls was asking for size 4 ½ shoes, and some of them were shopping in the kids departments, even though most of them looked at least 16.
Who were these miniature people? Well, it took a few minutes, but then I pieced together that it was these were the very same girls I’d just seen on the Today show—the “Super 7”. And apparently, that I was actually in the midst of a USA Gymnastics shopping spree—turns out, the team is sponsored by adidas, so they must have had some kind of mega discount (they were buying out the store). They also had a chauffeured van awaiting them outside to take them to their next destination—Chinatown. Also with them? Marta Karolyi, wife of famed coach Bella (and a coach herself). Not surprisingly, she was very loud.
I noticed that the individual gold medallist, Shawn Johnson, had some sort of boot on—so I guess she's injured. Did she pull a miraculous Keri Stugg-like feat and compete on a stress fracture at the world champs?
I had this little daydream that they’d all break out into a tumbling routine in the middle store, you know, just because, but they all remained on their (very tiny) feet.10.25.2007
Rainy Run and Old School Tights
Since I must sport all adidas attire for these runs, I really have to dig way into my supplies when it comes to my outfits. (As many of us do, I buy most of my workout clothes at "M", so I can't be choosy with brands). Tonight, I wore my now old-school, royal blue 3-stripe tights, which--if memory serves me correctly--were purchased at the Gaithersburg M in 1995. Sissy had (has?) the same ones, and we'd wear them to track practice, back when we considered ourselves the team's "Outlaws." They were way cool back then, and actually still get compliments. In fact, all of the adidas gear reps took notice of them (they knew they were way old because of the classic trefoil symbol, which has since been replaced by the three-stripe triangle). For a second, I was kind of embarrassed that I was admitting to wearing 12-year-old tights (how stuck-in-the-90's of me), but hey--they're vintage, right?
I'm Not Obsessed...
After a few months of being on the wagon, I've relapsed. My addiction to online Scrabble has returned with avengence. I now go to bed with imaginary letters in my head and think about which combinations will garner me the most points. When I'm supposed to be working, I'm playing NanaJane or MimisMom, and not always winning. This is where working from home becomes extremely dangerous...but today I've restrained myself and have only played one game. So far.
I'm almost ready to challenge Bec, a fellow addict (granted, she plays when she's forcing herself to rest after like a five-hour workout , but whatever), but my stint away from the boards has left me blind to Scrabble opportunities (as in 7-letter words, I've only scored one so far) and other strategic moves. I think her skills will get the best of me, so I may have to wait until I've got the magic back.
Hmmm, maybe I should practice a little more now...
What a difference two years makes!

(not) Coming Soon to a Store Near You

So last week I had a "gig" at Martha Stewart Omnimedia, in which I modeled for her new line of crafts for Michael's. Well, to clarify, the crafts--in this case, tissue paper "poofs" that you hang from the celing as decor; sissy actually had some for the twins' first birthday party--were the models. I was more a prop in the shot to show scale (how big the poofs are in real-life). I arrived on set at 9:45, got dressed in a cute Catherine Malandrino cocktail dress the prop guy provided, and proceeded to sit...and sit...for two hours before the photographer was ready for me (oh the tough life of a high-fashion model! hahah). When she was, I sat at a gorgeously-appointed table, made up in the prettiest cream linens and china, and smiled as I pretended to lay some presents down (I believe I was supposed to be a guest at a wedding shower).
The photog. took about ten frames, and I was to my next odd job...excited about seeing myself in a Michael's store a few months down the line. (The shoot was for all in-store promotions and packaging).
But then earlier this week, I found out that the powers-that-be opted to show the items sans model, so alas, my shots were quickly dropped to the cutting-room floor. Oh well, at least I have these pics to show for it!
Karl to the rescue!
We made a gingantic mess, but by 12:30 a.m., after a pizza dinner and a trip to 'Boken to drop off the first load of stuff, everything was cleaned up, put away, and the apartment looks 100 times better!
Now, I just need to gather my strength to take the 5 bags of clothes, shoes, and bags to the neighborhood thrift store! They're not going to know what hit them!
More weekend pics
A couple more highlights from our weekend: Earlier on Saturday, Mark and I met Maureen and her new guy, Paul, at the Zoo! I've been itching to go ever since I wrote the Nim's Island story that had me eyeball-deep in research on bearded dragons, Australian sea lions, and pelicans. So we set out on the gorgeous October afternoon (the weather reminded us a lot of our wedding day--almost two years ago! sniff sniff) and spent a few hours ogling the gorillas, hippos, monkeys, reptiles, invertebraes, etc. I think the last time I was at the zoo was when Mr. Dreskin took Sissy, Corinne, and I to some concert there in high school (I believe the band was called "Red Letter Day"--whatever happened to them?). It's such a fun place, especially for kids (or in our case, big kids)--can't wait 'til Sam's a bit older so we can take him there!
After the zoo, we went back to Wheatone for a delicious dinner at Nova Europa with the 'rents and Uncle Phil and Jeanie! Mark was treated to an extravagant birthday dinner, which included a dessert of profiteroles! I'd only had this dessert once before (at Balthazar), and I knew how decadent (and delicious) it could be. Nova Europa's version (pastry crammed with vanilla ice cream and topped with hot fudge) definitely did not disappoint. I credit all of my energy for the race the next morning to my grilled salmon and all of that sugar!
Thanks to the 'rents for being the best "B&B" hosts, we love staying in their guest suites!
A 10K and Some Birthday Cake
Earlier yesterday morning, we dragged ourselves out of bed to go down to DC to run the Boo! 10K. Maureen and Eileen were running with a bunch of Mo's co-workers, and of course I can't resist a race! Hah! I actually have a better appreciation for the 10K distance now that I've been running more; even more so when I don't have to do a one mile swim and 25-mile bikeride beforehand! The race went down around Hains Point (twice) and finished/started on Ohio Drive. I loved running and seeing all of the memorials--it was a beautiful morning and great running weather. I ended up getting 2nd overall and running my fastest 10K time every (42:15, nothing to sneeze at, but decent for me), and Maureen and Eileen did great as well!
We hit up brunch at our old fave Rhodeside Grill afterwards, then ran off to get ready for the party. Then to top off the very fun day, we made it back to NYC in record time and found a parking spot right across from our apt!
Thinking of yew
Dedicating one of his (and my!) favorite songs--Kenny Roger's The Gambler--to Grandpop today. It's hard to believe he left us exactly two years ago, but of course he never left our hearts. And can you just imagine how happy he'd be to know that he now has five great-grandchildren!?
A trip to the Upper Breast Side
burps, gas, and of course...breasts. Not the baby's breasts, of course. The mom's. And what I've discovered about the latter is that the baby business has come up with all sorts of puns to celebrate them: "Brest Friend" (a breast-feeding pillow), "The Breastaurant" (as in It's time for the baby to take a snack at the Breastaurant) and, here's a new one for ya: the "Upper Breast Side." That, my friends, is the name of a store that sells everything a nursing mother could ever desire--bras, shirts, dresses, pumps, pads--located (where else) but on the Upper Breast (oops I mean West!) side.
With Sam snuggled up away in his adorable little Infantino sling, Leezie and I hauled up to 71st and Columbus to check out the goodies. I think I expected something along the lines of Buy Buy Baby or Destination Maternity: a SuperStore for moms. What we got was more along the lines of a tiny closet without even a display window--blink and you'll walk right by. When we walked in, we were quickly escorted the back room where Leezie was told to strip down so she could be measured. Another woman--with her 5-week-old in town--did the same. Then another woman, 9-months pregnant. Talk about being out of your element: There I was, surrounded by new (or soon-to-be new) moms, naked from the waist up, being measured by some woman who kept saying her baby was "39 years old" (that joke got old pretty fast, especially when she admitted on more than one occasion that she, too, wore the nursing clothes...for their comfort). Not knowing what to do, I started looking at the clothes. But when I reached for a dress folded up on a shelf, I was quickly reprimanded not to touch the merchandise.
Quite the experience, to say the least, but Leezie did get some good stuff out of it, so I guess it was worth taking a trip to the Upper Breast Side (sorry, had to do it one more time...).
Birthday Baby!

Another birthday boy! Philip Thomas Calder III turns 1 on Monday. Check out Aleta’s blog for lots of amazing pictures of my little second-cousin-once-removed, like this one. You can tell Mark and Philip are bound to be buddies—not only do they have similar birthdays, but they also share a love of motorcycles!
Birthday Boy!

Mark celebrated the big 2-9 on Saturday! We had a lovely day, first hitting the Russian barber shop for a little trim, then chowing down a Lumber Jack at the Sweet Life. The fun was only beginning, as Mike was set to arrive from DC to whisk him off to 18-holes of golf at the Spook Rock course in Suffern, NY.
I dropped off the boys—no golf for me!—and drove up to Newburgh, where I met UlaBeck and SJ at M before driving up to Traphagen. Karl and I took a great bike ride on the rail trail (thanks to John for letting me ride his awesome bike), then we did a little impromptu photo shoot in front of the beautiful sunset.
I picked the guys up later on that night, where they had been enjoying the “19th Hole”, until, that is, they closed and the guys had to drink their beers in to-go cups outside the course. (I was way late!). We drove back into the city and opted for a night in of pizza, wine, and cheesecake instead of going out, fine for all of us tired old folks!
Mark says he had a great day, despite the fact I didn’t have any prezzies for him to open. I know, bad wife! But my present came in the form of golf lessons at Spook Rock with the resident pro. He’ll be challenging Tiger Woods for a match in no time!
Happy birthday to the best and most adorable husband in the world!
Bowled Over
I started out with a spare (beginner's luck, I thought) and consequently leveled off to 7's and 8's. Mark, meanwhile, was hitting strike after strike, leaving me completely in the dust. But sometime around the moment the DJ started spinning Britney's "Gimme More" (Mark DESPISES that song, especially when I sing it over and over and over), he completely crumbled. Game 2 saw a few more spares and strikes for me while Mark was rolling despondently downhill. By the end of the second round, I'd squashed him by about ten pins. Mark claimed all of the lifting he did made his shoulders "sore", but did I mention I'd run the Fifth Avenue Mile that morning (in 5:44)? The soreness excuse was all mine.
The night resulted in perhaps the priciest bowling matches we'll ever encounter, but we definitely had a great time. And I won! Can't complain about that.
Check out the full story here: Slice of Life — Former Mt. St. Mary's star is professional triathlete