
Rainy Run and Old School Tights

After threatening with gray skies all day, the rain finally came this evening, just as I was leading my Wednesday night group out for a run in Central Park. Not only was it raining, it was also cold--and very dark. I was totally underdressed and wishing I hadn't left my jacket inside. But once we got started, I remembered how much I love running in the rain, and we did a bit over 5 miles in under 8-minute pace--pretty quick for this particular group. Now, I actually wouldn't mind a few more nights of rainy runs (now snow or freezing rain...that's another story).

Since I must sport all adidas attire for these runs, I really have to dig way into my supplies when it comes to my outfits. (As many of us do, I buy most of my workout clothes at "M", so I can't be choosy with brands). Tonight, I wore my now old-school, royal blue 3-stripe tights, which--if memory serves me correctly--were purchased at the Gaithersburg M in 1995. Sissy had (has?) the same ones, and we'd wear them to track practice, back when we considered ourselves the team's "Outlaws." They were way cool back then, and actually still get compliments. In fact, all of the adidas gear reps took notice of them (they knew they were way old because of the classic trefoil symbol, which has since been replaced by the three-stripe triangle). For a second, I was kind of embarrassed that I was admitting to wearing 12-year-old tights (how stuck-in-the-90's of me), but hey--they're vintage, right?


cristinaanderik said...

Oh wow...i totally still have those tights and wear them on occasion (although it really doesn't ever get too too cold to have to wear them!) I used them as a layer when skiing! I do remember buying them and thinking I was so cool cause it was the ONE adidas item i had! This is bad, but i used to wear them by themselves to go skiing, thinking I looked like the perfect "ski bunny", when I actually probably looked like the fat ski bunny! Remember, I think i wore them to that HFS thing at Ski liberty when we met Dickey Barrett?? Oh, the memories brought back from a pair of running tights! Wow...

Laurel said...

ahahh very funny! also funny because I wore a pair of Bec's (a black version with three white stripes) this morning! I'm not sure they are of the same vintage, but I'm pretty sure they are old. Especially since they have a hole in them and the elastic seems a bit "turned"...but she is still holding on to them and still not totally fine with me wearing "her favorite tights"! We'll have to get confirmation as to their origin (i.e. which M!).

BecW said...

For the record, my tights did not come from any M. I think they were purchased full price from a sports store. Can't remember exactly. But, I did think they were the coolest and wore them to just about every track meet I ran in!