
Eli Manning Drive?

(reprinted from nj.com)
Some people in City Hall are kicking around the idea of renaming the block of Washington Street between 14th and 15th Street after our neighbor who led the Giants to one of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl history.

Eli Manning lives in the Hudson Tea Building right at that intersection. Mayor David Roberts says he is still collecting information from "the entire community" as to how Hobokenites can best show their appreciation.
But if the honorary street naming goes forward, it might include a ceremony, ideally attended by Manning, where the Mayor presents him with a key to the city.

It might even include repainting the yellow dividing and curb lines on the street red and blue. There is even talk of repainting the entire street "Giants blue" -- temporarily.

Some have suggested a parade down Washington Street. Mayor Roberts said he was "entertaining everyone's ideas" but since there is already a parade happening tomorrow, he personally wanted the city to do something different.
I'm more in favor of the parade--we'd be right on the route!

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