
Last Day

Today kind of feels like the last day of school for me. The sun is out, I'm wearing shorts (yep, shorts), and I've packed up my desk (in an extra-large Tiffany's box, no less--they sponsor a few of our races). All I'm waiting for is my popsicle, my report card, and the final bell to ring so I can be released outside--away from teachers, books, and dirty looks (how does that song go again?). But this time, I don't have a three-month vacation ahead of me. It's more like three days--but I'll take it.

It seems as though my departure set off a bit of a trend. In just a few weeks, two of my co-workers will be enjoying the last-day-of-school feeling, too. This department will dwindle down to two full-time employees (when I started, we were about ten strong). It kind of makes me feel better knowing that I wasn't the only person who was unhappy (okay, miserable) working underneath a manager who can only be described as a manic, obsessive, psycho control-freak. Hopefully, the departure of three employees in rapid-fire succession will make the powers-that-be take notice and take action.

But I can't concern myself with those details anymore. I'm outta here. Sianora. Hasta La Vista. Peace out.

Now, where's that popsicle?

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