

Hooray for Friday! This felt like the never-ending week, so I'm glad it's almost over. I have a lot to do today, but the light at the end of the tunnel is that I get to go out and have a bit of fun tonight (and meet some of my future co-workers!). Then tomorrow Mark and I head to DC/MD/NoVA on the train for an action-packed weekend that includes Mother's Day festitivies, another 5K race, a long overdue visit to NG KIDS, and Mr. Flynn's big retirement party from Marriott! We're not getting back until the wee hours of Tuesday morning, so I have a feeling next week is going to be just as long as this one.

Oh--I finally got around to putting some of our many, many, many wedding pictures in an album, which you can view low-res images of by clicking on the link or the photo to the right. The actual album is on it's way to me, hopefully it turns out well. I also went a little overboard and ordered a DVD set to music, which I might post a link to if I'm so inclined. Enjoy!

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